Nikita Jackson

Player stats

Nikita Jackson

17 years 30/07/2006




Trinidad and Tobago U17 W

Trinidad and Tobago U17 W

Player form

Competition Shots (on target) Dribbles (suc.) Passes (acc) Key Passes Crosses (suc.) Clearances Interceptions Tackles Blocks Dribble past Fauls Was fauled Goal conceded Saves Inside box saves Passes (acc)
' () () (%) () (%)
Date Last Matches Shots (on target) Dribbles (suc.) Passes (acc) Key Passes Crosses (suc.) Clearances Interceptions Tackles Blocks Dribble past Fauls Was fauled Goal conceded Saves Inside box saves Passes (acc.)
Form 0 games 0' - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Season Team Comp.

Played positions

Played as


Transfers & loans

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