Miguel Ponce Muñíz

Player stats

Miguel Ponce Muñíz

25 years 03/04/1999 / San Luis Potosí

180 cm / 64 kg




Atlético San Luis U20

Atlético San Luis U20

0‘ 0%
0 0%
As starter
0 0/0
0 0%
0 Ø0
0 Ø0
Red Cards
0 Ø0

Player form

Competition Shots (on target) Dribbles (suc.) Passes (acc) Key Passes Crosses (suc.) Clearances Interceptions Tackles Blocks Dribble past Fauls Was fauled Goal conceded Saves Inside box saves Passes (acc)
U20 League U20 League 0 0' 0 0 0 0 MF 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0%) 0 0 (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0%)
Date Last Matches Shots (on target) Dribbles (suc.) Passes (acc) Key Passes Crosses (suc.) Clearances Interceptions Tackles Blocks Dribble past Fauls Was fauled Goal conceded Saves Inside box saves Passes (acc.)
U20 League 17
Atlético San Luis U20 https://cdn.redscores.com/images/team/249773_*.png Atlético San Luis U20
Atlas U20
0 - 2 Not nominated to match
U20 League 16
Pachuca U20 https://cdn.redscores.com/images/team/249765_*.png Pachuca U20
Atlético San Luis U20
3 - 0 Not nominated to match
U20 League 15
Atlético San Luis U20 https://cdn.redscores.com/images/team/249774_*.png Atlético San Luis U20
Juárez U20
2 - 2 Not nominated to match
U20 League 14
Pumas UNAM U20 https://cdn.redscores.com/images/team/249765_*.png Pumas UNAM U20
Atlético San Luis U20
3 - 2 Not nominated to match
U20 League 13
Atlético San Luis U20 https://cdn.redscores.com/images/team/249770_*.png Atlético San Luis U20
Mazatlán U20
1 - 1 Not nominated to match
Form 5 games 0' - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
see 5 more matches


Season Team Comp.
22/23 TOTAL 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
21/22 TOTAL 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
20/21 TOTAL 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Hugo Eduardo Murga Ríos
Eduardo Murga Ríos
0‘ 0 0+0
Julio César López Hernández
César López Hernández
0‘ 0 0+0
Oswaldo Peréa Sánchez
Peréa Sánchez
0‘ 0 0+0
Luis Javier Torres Contreras
Javier Torres Contreras
0‘ 0 0+0
Julio Hernández Fletes
Hernández Fletes
0‘ 0 0+0
Dereck Linares Vázquez
Linares Vázquez
0‘ 0 0+0
Ángel Arturo Martínez González
Arturo Martínez González
0‘ 0 0+0
Miguel Ponce Muñíz
Ponce Muñíz
0‘ 0 0+0
Brandon Enrique Abundis Bolaños
CF 1
Enrique Abundis Bolaños
0‘ 0 0+0
José Álvaro Álvarez Cazares
CF 1
Álvaro Álvarez Cazares
0‘ 0 0+0
Luis Ángel Kristo Briseño Barajas
CF 1
Ángel Kristo Briseño Barajas
0‘ 0 0+0
Luis Fernando García Chan
CF 2
Fernando García Chan
0‘ 0 0+0
Salvador González González
CB 2
González González
0‘ 0 0+0
Edson Giovani Martínez Macías
CF 3
Giovani Martínez Macías
0‘ 0 0+0

Played positions

Played as


Transfers & loans

Date From TO TYPE